Hahamongna Watershed Park is one of our region’s most valuable ecological areas, and an essential wildlife corridor from the San Gabriel Mountains into the Arroyo Seco and San Rafael Hills.

Hahamongna’s habitat and recreational values have continued to increase, but so has the amount of sediment collecting behind Devil’s Gate Dam. While sediment must be removed, it must be done in a way that is sensitive to wildlife that forage, breed, live in, and make passage through Hahamongna, the Arroyo Seco and the San Rafael Hills.

The Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy has endorsed the recommendations of the City of Pasadena’s Devil’s Gate Sediment Working Group to reduce substantially the scope and negative impacts of the sediment removal program adopted by the LA County Flood Control District, while safeguarding habitat. We hope that the Flood Control District will work with the City of Pasadena to align more closely its plans for maintenance of Devil’s Gate with the Sediment Working Group’s recommendations. For more information, visit the City’s page: Devil’s Gate Reservoir Sediment Removal