AFC wildlife photographer Johanna Turner and fellow photographer Roy Dunn were ecstatic when they checked cameras and found this June 19 image. (Johanna has been placing AFC’s remotely triggered cameras in locations she thinks a new mountain lion might appear.) When they looked closely they realized we have a NEW MOUNTAIN LION IN THE VERDUGOS!!!

It sure looks promising!

“Do you know Nikita is here too, all alone?  She’s been waiting…”

“…but she’s going to give you a run for your money…”

We don’t know how Adonis – Johanna’s nickname for him – found his way into the Verdugos. This is our job: locating possible routes to secure and enhance for safe passage for all wildlife between areas of native habitat. Johanna and Denis are leading the way.

So guess who Nikita — and Adonis — are thanking?  YOU!  Their patrons and our supporters.  All is possible, working together.


A couple things to keep in mind:

As Adonis gets to know his new territory,, let’s remember to take normal precautions with our pets.

Also, let’s not use any kind of rat poison, because they all wreak havoc on the entire wildlife food chain.  Six different kinds were found in P-41’s carcass.