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Rachel-Ann Arias took a class on camera-traps from environmental educator and wildlife biologist, Miguel Ordeñana, when she was only 12 years old. Years later their paths crossed again after Miguel discovered P-22 in Griffith Park and Rachel-Ann had gone through the Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy internship program.

Miguel now works at the Natural History Museum as a senior manager in Community Science and runs the Backyard Bat Project. Rachel-Ann is a current student at UC Davis where she studies conservation biology.

These two talented researchers and photographers are teaming up to share with you the stories behind their incredible photographs in the exhibit and to discuss their relationships to education and conservation.

Location: Boddy House Dining Room, Descanso Gardens

Time: Sunday August 6th from 1:00 – 2:00pm.

This event is free with admission to the garden or with a Descanso Gardens membership. Registration is requested (but not required).

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